Writing Updates!

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels. I could write more flash fiction today, but I thought I would share a few writing updates that have had me on the edge of my seat with anticipation. 1) In the past two weeks, I have submitted a set of poems and a short story to different magazines. My goal for … Continue reading Writing Updates!

All the Creative Ideas Bouncing Around in My Head!

I hardly ever drink regular coffee anymore, because 1) it makes me anxious, and 2) it does the opposite of helping me focus. That is to say, it fuels all the creativity energy just waiting to be used, and I end up like I am today: unable to concentrate or work because my brain is … Continue reading All the Creative Ideas Bouncing Around in My Head!

Tonight I Have the Urge to Write, But…

Nighttime is and has been consistently my best writing time. When it's dark out and I'm winding down, my inner editor seems to wind down as well and I feel freer and more able to write. Some of my best poems have been written while sleepless at 2 AM and many of my story ideas … Continue reading Tonight I Have the Urge to Write, But…

Writing Blahs

I am not in the mood for writing today. I don't know exactly what kind of mood I'm in, but it's a not-doing-things kind of mood. Somewhere in the depths of my mind I had a plan to write a nice flash fiction piece based on a prompt, post it, and revel in the likes … Continue reading Writing Blahs

Updates and Writing Rituals

Today has a 100% chance of rain forecasted where I live, which means that it's the perfect day to curl up indoors with a cup of tea and write. Unfortunately, rain does not hold up my regular work schedule, however much I wish it would. Fortunately, I can still somehow manage to fit in a … Continue reading Updates and Writing Rituals